23 Januari 2010

Death at The Funeral.


Hello my people.
Writing this post just to state my current situation.
I am at Johor.
Yes Johor.
Not attending the Sultan of Johor's funeral but my youngest brother, Aariz suddenly got his appendix removed.
I know.
It's strange for me too.
So I'm visiting the poor soul.
May Allah cure his body soon.
Right now, I am in my room.
Typing this.
With a wireless keyboard and mouse.
And a brand new pc here.
Also, my HD tv is my screen.
Evrything I type can be seen easily by many people.
Luckily, I'm alone here.

Well, that's all.
I was hoping to shoot a video tomorrow but I guess that's not gonna happen.
Sorry peeps.
Good bye.
Aiman is watching.