21 Januari 2009

How to Masterbatting


Yes, today's lesson is how to master batting in batting cage or soft ball/hard ball/base ball/base 10 ball/ quadratic ball..... and many more..

5 Angsana ways

first stay in position by bending your knees like horse-riding stunts only while looking to the side (the pitcher). Hold the bat (baseball bat) 90 degrees upwards [yes u can either use a protector or use perpendicular method]. when the pitcher throws the ball, calculate the velocity and angle of direction of the ball. Adjust your bat based on the level of height of the ball. After calculating the velocity, use the formula

Impulse= MV - MU

= mass of ball X speed of ball - mass of bat X speed of swinging the bat

The distance of the ball goes will be depending on your impulsive force

to make simple things short for non Angsana student

wait for the pitcher to throw the ball.. when the pitcher throws the ball FUUSHH!! the ball goes DUN! DUN! and then u swing ur bat SWOSH!! there u go HOME RUN!!!

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