29 Disember 2008

hey, It's my BIRTHDAY!


wheeeee I'm 16 now... T_T
I'm old and wrinkly....and hairy...lol!!

In some countries, when you reach 16, you're labeled as an Adult!
also, usually in animes, the main character is 16 years old! lol!
anyways, here is the pros and cons of being 16 ;

Pros :
1. you'll be more matured...(not sure how this is a good thing but owh well, chicks dig maturity XD)
2.in some countries, you can have *** when you're 16! XD (I think it applies in Malaysia too)
3.you'll be able to drive soon(2 more years @_@)
4.not sure whats so sweet about being 16 but people usually say sweet 16 or something like that...
5.birthday presents! :D
6.more birthday presents! :D
7.you can have 16 candles on your birthday cake! XD

Cons :
1.you'll get more wrinkly and saggy (dont know which part of my body will sag and I dont wanna know.)
2.hair starts to grow in places that were bare! (picked from smosh's video; "Sex Ed")
3.being older means more responsibility!
4.cant run around naked anymore! :(
5.people will call you "OLD"!

I guess thats it...I ran out of ideas... :D