13 Jun 2009

Commercial or short video??


Yo, minasan! Oshisaburi des.. Ore haddys-san
btw let's cut the out with the introduction... ei why am I introducing my self...
here's a commercial/short video of corntoz or is this how you spell it...
this video is freaking 40 layers!!! and I wasted a lot of time... I still have Add Math project to go on the next schedule... Imagine if I can spend the time with Alicia-chan instead... kufufu...

well then.. Taicho as usual handle the video info and tags I'm far to busy to do so...
osh... ganbare 7B it doesn't seem i'll be able to edit the next video.. the last video from our very own editor for this year will be publish soon. so sit back and enjoy the current video ^^