22 Ogos 2010



this is it,
another rendition
are u ready?

here we go one at a time,
my absence is seen as a crime,
split into 2 running away just wont do-anymore,
I live in a time where honour is a wh*re,
paid to the person to give us pleasure while they do the chore,
no meaning to it just an exmaple of an exciting bore,
our disgust hidden in our pleasure,
no need for protection its already a safe measure,
different in the views of an innocent begger,
who lives among the vagabonds his life couldnt be better,
an honest living is the world he's in,
no back stabbing or silent sin within,
his thin body his sunburnt skin,
a testament to the innocence of him and his kin,
so this is a lesson for all of you,
listen to the begger at the end of the avenue,
he may know more than you,
when it comes to living his life true.

22nd august 2010