1 September 2009

something from the present


who are we to think were on the top,
one minute pleasure the next minute pain and then it all stops,
the right hook never seen coming,
the whole in the ground that i just slipped in,
but i stick with my believe that with torture comes relief,
god doesnt give us what we want but what we need,
still if only u didnt tell me on that bench seat,
my ears could not believe what ur mouth speaked,
i stoned for an hour and hurt for a week,
but through my pain i found a little strength,
a little faith,
all i had to do was plaster my wound and crawl away,
the funny thing is if u ask my friends thats not what theyd say,
so this where i am right now with all my tears wiped away,
but theres just one question i have to say
and that is" will i be okay?"